Yan Maschke Group

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Motivate Your Team by Focusing on "Return on Incentive"

Yan Maschke June 28, 2017

Engaging and motivating teams is one of the hottest topics in management.

There are 5 latest trends on the Future of Work from SHRM 2017 (Society for Human Resource Management). I love this one:

Employers need to focus on "return on incentive", not "return on investment" (David Brennan's SHRM panel).

An incentive is anything that motivates or encourages someone to do something. Don't just focus on extrinsic incentives, pay attention to "intrinsic incentives" - do something meaningful for your employees.

While showing your kindness as a leader is helpful. I would recommend that you go a step further.

Don't just do something meaningful for your people. Help your people find meaning in what they do.

1. Engage and communicate the organization's vision and mission and the "why" behind the organization's goals. 

2. Help your people align their work with their individual purpose, passion, values, and their highest personal strengths.

Now, you have engaged their hearts, and tapped into their intrinsic motivation. Your people will be fully invested in their work and will take personal ownership of the business results without you trying to "lead" so hard.

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