Beauty or Trauma?

I feel a bit out of place, but I am glad that my 18-year-old daughter invited me.

A small room. Tattoo images all over the wall. My daughter is sitting on a bench. I am standing next to her. An energetic young lady is adding a second piercing to my daughter’s ears.

“How is this different from getting your vaccination shots?” I asked my daughter, viscerally remembering some of her traumatic moments over the years sitting on a bench similar to this in her doctor’s office.

“Technically this hurts more, but this is much better because this is what I wanted.” She replied swiftly with a facial expression of indifference.


Simple yet thought-provoking.

Trauma vs. beauty,  similar pain but dramatically different perception, hence dramatically different human experience.

When it comes to change, It’s less about the actual change, and much more about how people perceive and experience the change. 

When it’s our own idea, change is much easier to embrace, even when it inflicts physical pain!

As we drive change - in our professional or personal life, it’s important is to think for, and think as, those impacted by the change.

People don't resist change. They resist being changed.

What has worked for you? What is one small tweak that you may want to experiment with?



  1. Book “Managing Transitions” by William and Susan Bridges 

  2. Book “Leading Change” by John Kottee

  3. Book “Leadership Unlocked” by Yan Maschke, Chapter 7 on leading change.